Wednesday, September 14, 2011

30 Days of Art- Days 6 though Whats today, 14?

So obviously I've totally fallen of the 30 day wagon.  I have been doing art and photography these days I just haven't been inspired to go on the computer to upload images. These last few days, I have realized that I jump around the things I get inspired with.  Lately I got a book on audio that's 18 hours long and honestly I have been glued to my earphones for the past 3 days. I find that I have been more inspired by that lately and by shooting the beautiful things that the coming spring is already showing us as a preview of whats to come. 
I guess the purpose of joining the 30 day art thingy was to push me to post more often.  Also to keep inspired to make art.  I feeling rather comfortable with the amount of posting I am doing, and the amount of time I dedicate to art.  So, I declare that I am going to keep creating art that follows my inspiration, what ever that is at the moment,  and I will keep posting what I create here, just without the pressure of having to do it.  I don't apprerciate pressure. Uhf! I feel better
This is the final Art Journal Page from the background I made the other day

This is a portrait I worked on for a couple of days the final AJ page is at the bottom.  It's me and my two little girls.  I missing the big girls (and by missing I mean both form the portrait and I miss her very much, good news is she is coming back next week!)

This just happened... I miss lately, but not for long :)
The Sunrise from my side door.  I love watching the sun come up, and down.  I am extremely grateful for being able to have these awesome views right from our house 

Jr and his girls.  He really is going for it

Purple broccoli

The full moon is something amazing

This is the flowers from an "AROMO" a native tree that's scattered all over.  This was taken at dusk and therefore the bright yellow that it is, doesn't show.  I take some more to show it at its brightest.
Well that's all I have to show for right now.  I will be back with more....

Monday, September 5, 2011

30 Days of Art- Days 3, 4, and 5

I'm Back to computer world!
I have so much to show.  I mean, nothing is like a master piece, but I have been letting go of the notion that everything I do needs to be a master piece. How did that little super limiting idea trickily sneaked into my head? It completely stops me on my tracks! gotta get rid of that! anyway onto the showing.

Day 3: I wanted to enter Willowing.ning's ATC swap and it's theme is Heroes.  I went back and forth as to what I wanted to do and it pretty much took me sooo long to decide (I'm a Libra! little decisions like that sometimes turn into all day weighing of options).  Since I was invited to visit one of my neighbors that afternoon, all I had time for was  sketches of what I kind of wanted to say, made on my trusty sketch book and I actually made the drawings on the ATCs.  

Day 4: I finished the ATCs! I kind of like them and I hope who ever gets them in the end likes them too.  I used prismacolor pencils for the faces (i have tried other methods of coloring before and I find that I enjoy this technique the best).  The rest is a combination of Acrylics, watercolors, watercolor crayons and some great metallic gel pens I found in town.
Love and care for Mother Earth and you are a my hero

Choose Love over fear and you are my hero

Day 5: Today was learning and practicing to draw Manga bodies and faces day.  I was inspired to get my drawing skills some new info and training. I have always love the look of Manga cartoons though I have never really purchased them.  I love that the characters are always so pretty, even the males.  So, lucky for me, I found an American manga artist who shares his drawing knowledge for FREE of Youtube. His name is Mark Crilley and he is an amazing artist.  So the girls and I sat with our pencils and sketchbooks in hand and drew while watching the videos on the Iphone.  We had a blast and made some pretty girls.  I will be posting the pictures they made on the blog I have to display their artful creations.  But here is what I did today...

 Well, that is all for me today! I will probably be drawing more and coloring some of those faces up tomorrow.  Mila and Saskja are very inspired by this kind of drawing right now so I'm riding their inspiration coattails.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

30 days of art -day 2

Today's art endeavor started out a little slow. I wanted to make an art journal page but wasn't sure what to do. So I got some acrylic paint and started a background. 

I really just used my hands and some other paper to smear the color around. It was kind of like finger painting, which was rather enjoyable. Once I was happy with it, I got kind of stuck as to what next. So I put it aside, and started to draw whatever came to me. 
I ended up with this face.  She is cute and I think I'd like to used her on something else eventually.  She reminds me of a a flamenco girl or something.  I used Prismacolor pencils to color her in.

Not having been satisfied with the days dose of art, and not really feeling it that much, I decided to start a mandala.  Mandalas are a great! they get you focused in an inner guidance kind of way and they really get your creative juices going.  When ever I'm in doubt, I create a Mandala. 
I used all kinds of markers for the lines and colored in the white spaces with watercolor crayons.  Then I painted the background with what seems my favorite color lately, and then I did something I rarely do.  I wrote something! I usually don't do this unless is premeditated. Always knowing why I'm writing it in.  This time I didn't, I closed my eyes, I took a big breath, and wrote whatever came as I put the marker down.  It felt weird but in the end I'm quite happy with it.  As I strive to follow my inner guidance.  

That's it for me today
Much Love to All 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

30 Days of Art- Day 1

So, to kick start this art blog I have decided to join Traci Bunkers on a 30 day of get your art on challenge this month of September.  I am taking her guidelines which are posted on her blog. The link is on the button at the right.  I will say that even though I will be making art of some kind everyday, I may not post everyday, more realistic to say every few days, as I don't have consistent electricity and have to relay on a nearby neighbor to charge my computer.  But, I promise to be a pestering neighbor and I will try.
So, since today is the first day, I am posting some photographs I took this morning of our little baby fruit trees in bloom (really it's more like a few lonely flowers) we were so excited to see these little flowers since we were not sure these little ones had made it through the winter.  They are indeed alive!

I am including this shot of this morning's sunrise over the Andes which was spectacular
  and my very first ATC which I did not make today but wanted to share anyway this is called "the web of life" and it is a sacred geometry piece.  That's it for today.
