Thursday, September 1, 2011

30 Days of Art- Day 1

So, to kick start this art blog I have decided to join Traci Bunkers on a 30 day of get your art on challenge this month of September.  I am taking her guidelines which are posted on her blog. The link is on the button at the right.  I will say that even though I will be making art of some kind everyday, I may not post everyday, more realistic to say every few days, as I don't have consistent electricity and have to relay on a nearby neighbor to charge my computer.  But, I promise to be a pestering neighbor and I will try.
So, since today is the first day, I am posting some photographs I took this morning of our little baby fruit trees in bloom (really it's more like a few lonely flowers) we were so excited to see these little flowers since we were not sure these little ones had made it through the winter.  They are indeed alive!

I am including this shot of this morning's sunrise over the Andes which was spectacular
  and my very first ATC which I did not make today but wanted to share anyway this is called "the web of life" and it is a sacred geometry piece.  That's it for today.


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